#mootieuk12 – Some post-Moot thoughts

Phew, home at last… …four days after the end of the Moot!

This post is a way of processing some of the highlights of the first joint UK and Irish Moodlemoot (and an attempt to gain some more points for The Game) as well as my first trip to Ireland (although I’ll keep the tourism bits light).

I hope this isn’t the last joint Moot as I believe it worked really well, attracting a more diverse crowd than might otherwise have attended, however I believe I heard on the last day that plans for the 2013 UK and Irish Moots are already close to being finalised (I may be very wrong: time will tell.)

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I’m not sure I ever said ‘thank you’

Today marks the 1-year anniversary of me separating from my wife.

While she was with our daughter and her friends 90 miles away, I was loading my life into the back of a transit van, moving into a distant flat against my will because my wife ‘loved’ someone else. Such is life.

That probably wasn’t entirely the case, as the subsequent suicide threat and  hospitalisation suggests, but will still be closer to the truth than I ever dare tell anyone, ever, including those who pretty much know the whole story from start to finish. My wife was diagnosed with severe depression with bipolar tendancies. Knowing what I now know about this, I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

Anyway, the details are not important at this time.

Continue reading “I’m not sure I ever said ‘thank you’”

On blogging…

Seems like I haven’t blogged in ages. It’s not like I don’t have enough good stuff or crap to write about, it’s just that I never seem to have the time.

Well, thanks to the WordPress Android app, I no longer have an excuse: I can blog from my phone, whenever ,wherever.

So. Expect musings and rantings. And a lot of random theme changes (I get bored easily). And I’m still trying to fill the internet with tripe over on Twitter.


I really should blog more, it helps the brain deal with stuff. Expect more, but I don’t know how much… or on what topics…